When Tallulah was about 9 years old I went into the bathroom while she was having her evening shower and noticed her leaning slightly to one side. I thought it was because she was trying to avoid getting water on her hair so slightly annoyed but just to satisfy my curiosity I asked her to stand up straight in front of me, she leaned to one side. I asked her again to stand up straight, to which she replied ‘I am standing straight!’ I adjusted her myself a bit like my old Ballet teacher used to do when we slacked during our bar exercises, again she slouched and leaned. Not hugely alarmed but aware let’s say, I booked her an appointment at the doctor. The doctor seemed indifferent and told me she was growing and not to worry. I parked my concerns and left it a bit. By the time she was 13 she was experiencing chronic back pain and a another trip to the paediatric consultant resulted in a set of X-rays showing she had an 80 degree curve and that surgery was her only option. By the time her surgery date came round when she was 14 the curve had increased to 101 degrees. She under went 2 operations in one week, both at least 10 hours long to correct the curve and replace her broken bones with titanium rods.